Hi there, I'm Michelle...
For my 14th birthday, I asked for a typewriter. Not kidding. And yes, I still have it. Here is a picture of it:
For some reason, and I don’t know why, I really wanted to write a book. I had no idea how to write, I didn’t love English class, and I never knew anyone who had written a book.
Nevertheless, it was in my heart. I would often daydream about what I could write about and even attempted once but didn’t get past the first page. And, like everything else when I was a kid, I eventually pushed it aside and moved on to other things.
Fast forward several years.
When I was in my early 20s, I had a reading done by an intuitive. One of the first things she asked me was,
“Do you write?”
I said, “No.”
She said, “Please do.”
She told me that my writing would help to inspire and heal others. I had no idea how that could be possible. But it reignited my adolescent dreams of writing a book. Her words became burned in my mind—I never forgot that moment.
I spent the next 20 years with a secret desire to write a book but never thought it would be possible. However, I persisted and never gave up on my dream. Finally, in 2013, through many divine synchronicities, I found exactly what I needed. Not only did I write a book that has helped many people, but it also went on to win two awards. It was truly a dream come true.
I had never experienced so much joy in my life—the process of writing something for the benefit of someone else was inspiring, uplifting, and empowering. It was, and still is, one of the best moments of my life.
Since then, I have continued on my writing journey in various fiction and nonfiction genres. More recently, I have become a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and successfully launched my newest International bestseller, Make Your Message Matter: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Self-Help Book that Sells in Just 6 Weeks.
After many years of searching, my path to purpose has finally taken shape. And not surprisingly, it was just as the intuitive suggested – by inspiring change through the power of words.
But, as much as I would like to help make the world a better place, I can’t do it alone. You and the other lightworkers out there who have devoted your lives to helping others need to be recognized and rewarded for your skills and talent. But unfortunately, the reality is, you are probably your industry’s best-kept secret.
Blessing the world with your wisdom through authorship is a fun, exciting, and oh-so-rewarding way to get your name out there and reach people across the globe.
But the problem is that, for most lightworkers, writing a book can seem daunting and just too time-consuming. And then there is the dreaded marketing. How can you possibly reach a large enough audience to hit a bestseller list? And what if you are starting your business from scratch and you don’t have anyone to promote to?
Well, guess what? Those problems are solved!
I have developed a system to help you get your book written in just 6 weeks, and I have a team that will launch it for you to international bestseller status… guaranteed!
You deserve the title, recognition, and rewards that can come along with being a bestselling author. That is why I am devoted to helping lightworkers find their story and turn it into an international bestselling book that changes lives AND gives them instant credibility, visibility, and expert status.
Please join me on this journey of healing the world, one word, one sentence, one paragraph, one book at a time. Your story can make a profound difference in the lives of others—you owe it to the world to write your book.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog – I hope it serves you well on your path to purpose and transformational authorship.
The world is waiting to hear your story.
It's time for your to write it...