You are ONE Decision Away from Becoming the Published Author and Transformational Leader You Were Meant to Be
If you have always wanted to achieve your dream of authorship AND use it to become a transformational leader who changes lives, then you are someone I would like to get to know better.
Writing my first book opened so many doors and I know it can do the same for you. But I also know that there is a big learning curve and many steps that need to be taken along this journey.
Writing, publishing, and marketing a transformational book is no easy feat. Turning it into business is a whole new level that requires a certain expertise in planning and product creation.
I have done all of the above and although I loved the end result, the process wasn’t exactly an easy road.
There were many obstacles, twists and turns (much like a good fiction book!). This is why many people either quit or just keep spinning their wheels never reaching their potential.
It doesn’t need to be this way for you.
I want to share my system and personally guide you through the process.
I know this may sound crazy since I have never met you but I care about YOU and YOUR success. I care because you are a lightworker who was born to shine your light and share your gifts. You truly care about others and I have so much respect for how you show up in the world.
But I also know that you don’t always feel valued and maybe even overlooked at times. That isn’t okay and I want that to change.
You deserve so much better than that simply because you are… YOU.
I know you are someone who…
- Is caring, kind and compassionate
- Is generous, giving and thoughtful
- Is nurturing, sensitive and loyal
- Is ambitious, high achieving, and driven
- Is intuitive, empathic and insightful
- Knows there is something bigger for you in this life
- Knows how to find the light through darkness
- Has a deep calling to help others and wants to save the world in your own way
But I also know you are someone who may struggle with some or even all of these…
- You lack confidence, doubt your worth and second guess yourself
- You fear stepping into your genius and being seen, judged or criticized
- You fear that you won’t be able to deliver the results you are promising
- You have a fear of failing and hearing the words, I told you so from family and friends
- You sometimes feel like you just can’t find your place in this world
- You struggle with limiting beliefs like: who am I to be a leader, who am I to write a book, who am I to make tons of money
- You have trouble receiving and believing you deserve abundance
- You think selling is a disservice and it makes you feel sleazy
- You can get overwhelmed and lose focus easily

Am I right? Can you relate to any of these? While you may not relate to every single word, I think you can see that I get you.
I get you because you are a lot like me. I can relate to most, if not all of those, and I know what can hold you back from living your highest purpose.
You need to get your message, knowledge and wisdom into the hands of the people who need you. You deserve to be financially rewarded and publicly recognized for your work. But something has held you back and you are at a loss. You may even be ready to give up.
But what if…
- achieving your dream of authorship ends up being the catalyst to your ultimate success?
- simplifying your business approach breaks you out of your stagnant rut?
- you did something different this time… and it actually works?
I know you are skeptical and maybe even a bit jaded – I get it.
I have been around this online space since 2012 – I have done and seen it all. I have had successes and lots of failures. I have been excited, disappointed, frustrated, lost, decisive, irritated, surprised, determined, depleted, confident, unsure, and confused – sometimes all in the same week!
I have coached, been coached, took a gazillion courses, created my own courses, joined masterminds, bought info products, created and sold my own info products, sold other people’s products, wrote and published books, and launched two different businesses that actually made money.
I have a very good sense of what works and what doesn’t. I want to cut the learning curve for you by years – yes, years.
To try and figure this out on your own will exhaust you and honestly, it isn’t really possible. To keep buying courses and group programs is just delaying your progress because you aren’t getting what you need.
Courses and group programs are great and certainly have their place on your journey but if you are reading this then chances are you have already taken a lot of them… and you still haven’t achieved the level of success that you dream about.

What you need is a personalized approach.
You need one-on-one guidance, mentorship, support and accountability to get your book written and turned into a viable business.
If you are serious about stepping into the future you have been dreaming about, then I invite you to apply for a call with me to get to know each other and see if we are good fit.
I do want to emphasize that this is not a sales call. There will be no pressure. I will even cut to the chase and tell you right now what you will achieve if you are willing to do the work…
You will:
- Write your book.
- Publish your book.
- Market your book.
- Turn your book into a course and/or coaching program (you can do one or both – whatever you feel guided to do).
- Have your Transformational Funnel in place and ready to enroll clients.
- Be on a solid path to becoming a transformational leader.

Yes. It will take work. That is why you need to be sure that this is something you want and it’s a goal that you would regret if you never achieved it. You need to know deep in your heart that this is a journey you want to take and are ready to commit.
Here’s what will happen on the call…
- You will tell me about your dream, what you have tried in the past to make it happen, obstacles you have encountered and why now is the right time for you to pursue this path. And of course, you can ask as many questions as you would like about the process.
- I will explain how I work, what I can offer and how my approach can help you achieve your dreams.
- If it isn’t a good match, we will part as friends. No hard feelings
- If we both agree it’s a good match and you are ready to step into your genius and take action, we will get started ASAP!
But please note the following:
1) This is by application only. Once I receive your application, I will get back to you within 24 hours. If it looks like we may be a good match I will send you a link to my calendar to schedule a chat.
2) This is 100% private one-on-one coaching. This is not a group program.
3) There are additional costs associated with the publishing process and launching your business. The costs will vary depending on various factors. There are many options and I can review some of that with you on the call – so be sure to write down your questions in advance so you get all of the information you need. The additional costs are not part of the coaching program fee.
4) This is a pilot program and I can only accept a handful of applicants (probably around 5). Once those spots are filled, I will be launching it at a much higher price point later on.
No. This isn’t fake scarcity. I intend to fully support you on this journey and I cannot do that with a large number of clients – it isn’t possible.
Now, you may be wondering… Why should I hire you as my coach?
My super power is understanding human behavior. I know, intuitively and professionally, how to create transformation.
I have been studying human behavior academically and professionally for 30 years. But honestly, I went into this field with what I call intuitive knowledge – it was already in my blood. I didn’t need to read books and theories to understand any of it – I kind of just knew it. That may sound weird and I am definitely not bragging – it’s the only way I know how to explain it. And it’s how I know this is what I was born to do.
Just like you, I am a lightworker not by choice but by purpose.
I believe that you don’t have to be taught how to do your life’s work. Your soul already has the knowledge. The books and teachers just help you to understand it on a conscious level.
But, with that said, I am an Ivy League trained psychotherapist, author, professor, speaker, health coach, and product creator. My life’s work is about transformation and my experience can become your secret weapon to success.
You will get my eyes on your work from start to finish – having that type of personal feedback from someone who is a trained professional with online marketing experience is priceless.
I truly want to help you get your gifts out into the world in a way that showcases your genius, is well received and will produce results for YOU and your people.

Need some proof of my work along with WHY you need to get your gifts out into the world?
Here is a completely unsolicited testimonial I received from a former client on Thanksgiving night 2020. This testimonial made me cry. I didn’t expect it. I never realized the impact that I had on his precious life.
I shudder to think what would have happened if I played small, gave into my fears and insecurities and didn’t share my wisdom with him.
Please note that my real motivation for sharing this isn’t to convince you to work with me.
It is to convince you that you MUST share your gifts and wisdom with the world. You have no idea of the IMPACT you will have and the lives you will change if you make the decision to shine your light onto those who need you…
You probably don’t remember me, but I enrolled in your Wealth Attraction program way back in 2017. At the time I was a year into a terminal cancer diagnosis, I had lost my career as a military psychologist almost immediately after it had begun, and I was terrified of dying and leaving my family penniless. I was also a proud skeptic and had very little belief in woo woo topics like the law of attraction.
I only enrolled in your program because it was inexpensive and I was desperate. I apologize for not updating you before now, but I hope what I have to say will bring you a little satisfaction.
First off, a confession: I never even completed the program. I did probably 80% of it, then my family moved states and I fell off the wagon. However, the parts that I completed sparked something new in me that really stuck. I’ve maintained the mental habits I developed in your program in the 3+ years since we last spoke.
Here is what has happened since that time: My wife and I started a business in January 2018, and this year, the dreaded year of COVID, we easily broke 7 figures in revenue, and our goal for next year is $2.5M. We have 15 employees and tens of thousands of customers and clients. Our Instagram page grew from a couple thousand to nearly 40k followers in the last couple years. We started a podcast that now gets 10k downloads per month (Gutsy Holistic Health, if you’re curious).
In 2018 we bought our dream home in the mountains, and we’ve spent the last two years remodeling it to make it even better. We both bought new cars. We are a couple small steps from becoming almost entirely independent of our business, allowing us to spend our time on whatever endeavors we deem worthy. We would be traveling to exotic destinations like Costa Rica if it weren’t for the COVID lockdowns. I’m typing this email next to one of the nicest saunas that money can buy, which I get to enjoy every single day.
One of the greatest results was the least expected: We are now surrounded by like-minded people who have likewise harnessed the laws of the universe to create their dream life. Our community is full of superheros that make every day of our lives magical.
Thank you for being an instrumental part of my transformation in this area of my life. I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn’t followed your program, but I do know that miracles have happened and I believe strongly that my application of the principles you taught me helped enable those miracles. I will forever be grateful for what you created… I hope that you’re still out there teaching the law of attraction. It works.
All that said, I’m still learning. While we’re making great money and enjoying wonderful success, I wouldn’t say we’re anywhere near our potential or where I look forward to being. The trajectory is set, though.
The other issue is that my health remains an area where I struggle to apply the laws of the universe. This year was especially brutal for my body and I have admittedly spent most of the year consumed by fear. There was a period in September where everybody thought my time was just around the corner, myself included.
Fortunately, things have started to turn around in the last couple months, at least in terms of my perspective. I’ve regained a sense of trust and I’m beginning to explore death as a beautiful possibility, rather than a devastating inevitability. I know that my destiny is to fully embrace death with love and fearlessness, regardless of whether it takes me now or in 70 years. Plant medicine has helped me immensely with this task, but my resistance is intense.
I hope this hasn’t been too long or too weird for you. I’ve actually thought about writing it for over two years now. I was looking for an old email and came across your IWA check-ins, so I decided it was time to finally get it done.
Whatever you’re doing now or how things are going, I want you to know I’m deeply grateful to you. You made an incredible difference in my life and in the lives of my beautiful young family. If I could find you and give you a gigantic hug, I would (in spite of COVID).
Thank you! Thank you so much! Have a wonderful rest of 2020.
Tristin Roney
If that doesn’t convince you, I’m not sure what will.
Even if I am not the right mentor for you… please don’t give up on your dream. Find someone who can help you. Become the leader you were born to be… become the leader your people need.
Much love and blessings,