Dream of Publishing Your Nonfiction Book but Have No Idea What to Write or Where to Start? Follow Our AI-Enhanced Blueprint to Craft Your Book in Record Time!

Get your step-by-step blueprint for transforming your idea (or blank page!) into a published book, leveraging the power of AI to cut your writing time in half.

You’ve honed your skills and knowledge through years of dedication. You’re great at what you do, be it teaching yoga, managing finances, or inspiring others to transform their health. But you aren’t getting the recognition you deserve.
You’ve mulled over how you can turn your expertise into a book to spread your message but you just don’t know where to start.
Good news! With the help of a little AI magic, you can turn your knowledge into a bestselling book faster than you ever thought possible.

The Million Dollar Question Is...

Is it even possible to become a published nonfiction author — with a book that truly reflects your expertise and vision — without struggling to find your perfect topic, facing writer’s block, or piecing together a compelling book structure on your own?

More good news! It’s absolutely possible. Keep reading if you want to know how.

Picture this

You simply activate the power of AI to guide your writing journey, and…

You’ve outlined your entire book, effortlessly transitioning from a vague idea to a detailed framework that’s ready to be fleshed out.

You’ve bypassed the common hurdle of writer’s block, finding inspiration and clear direction at every turn of your writing process.

You’re celebrating a blueprint for success, with a best-selling idea, captivating title, precise audience insights, and key talking points.

It might seem like magic (and maybe a little unrealistic), but it’s actually just 3 simple steps that get real results.

Here’s how simple it can be to craft your nonfiction masterpiece and revolutionize your writing process with this breakthrough method:

Step 1: AI-Driven Idea Generation: We start by unlocking the power of AI to spark endless creativity. You’ll discover how to use AI to generate and refine groundbreaking ideas for your book—even if you’re starting with a blank page. This step ensures you’re not just picking a topic, but identifying a potential bestseller tailored to your expertise and audience.

Step 2: Targeted Audience Identification: Next, our AI tools help you delve deep into understanding your ideal reader. By analyzing data and trends, you’ll pinpoint exactly who your book is for and what they’re yearning to read. This isn’t about broad strokes; it’s about crafting a message that resonates on a personal level, making your book a must-have.

Step 3: Title Crafting & Dynamic Outline Creation: First, we leverage AI to nail down a captivating title that captures the essence of your book—your reader’s first hook. Continuing with AI’s magic touch, you’ll craft a streamlined outline that lays out each step of your narrative path clearly. This isn’t just about listing chapters; it’s about creating a flow that guides your reader through a transformative experience. This AI-driven approach ensures your outline and title work hand in hand to set a solid foundation for your writing, making the process straightforward and each section impactful.

That’s right! You can write a book that helps people, gives you instant authority and unlocks doors to endless opportunities…

Without spending months or even years just trying to nail down your book topic.

Without investing in expensive writing courses or workshops that promise much but deliver little.

Without drafting and redrafting your outline because it just doesn’t feel right.

Without facing the daunting writer's block that leaves you staring at a blank screen.

Without spending weeks planning and researching, only to find your idea isn’t viable.

Without feeling overwhelmed by the self-publishing process and marketing strategies.

Bottom line: You CAN become a published author without frustration, self-doubt, and constant second-guessing!

Want to be celebrating your first book outline by the end of the day?


Prompt to Published: Become a Non-Fiction Author in Half the Time with the Magic of AI

Grab my proven AI-driven toolkit, flesh out your entire book from unique idea to compelling outline, and celebrate your bestseller blueprint in less than two hours.

Here’s what’s inside Prompt to Published…

Unlock Your Book’s Success with a Custom Set of Done-For-You Prompts—From Crafting Your Book’s Framework to Perfecting Your Marketing Strategy, Without Any Guesswork.

  • Easily craft everything from your book’s topic to a detailed outline and captivating hook.
  • Identify and connect deeply with your audience, creating a personalized avatar and addressing their key pain points.
  • Stand out with a unique angle, compelling title, and subtitle to ensure your book grabs attention.
  • Seamlessly structure your book with engaging content, effective calls to action from introduction to conclusion.
  • Master the essentials of publishing success, including front and back matter, categories, keywords, and an authentic author bio.
  • Market your book like a pro with specific prompts for ad copy, a strategic book launch plan, and tips for getting genuine reviews.
  • Design an eye-catching book cover and polish your manuscript with expert editing tips.
  • Explore over 100 trending book ideas in the most profitable niches—from health, to relationships, to spirituality, to hobbies, to business.
  • Learn from two case studies that demonstrate the success of using our prompts, providing a clear pathway to replicate their results.

Achieve all this by simply integrating our custom prompts with AI, and watch as your book takes shape before your eyes!

Plus you'll get this game changing bonus:

7-Day Bestseller Blueprint Email Coaching


Unlock personalized guidance and expert feedback on your book’s framework with 7 days (one week) of email coaching.

Start anytime you chooseit doesn’t expire!

Ask me anything and overcome hurdles, avoid common pitfalls, and refine your strategy to fast-track your success.

This special bonus coaching period is designed to ensure your book’s foundation is solid, actionable, and primed for bestseller status.


Prompt to Published: Become a Nonfiction Author in Half the Time with the Magic of AI

Grab this all-inclusive package, follow the simple process, and celebrate having a complete book framework ready for success in less time than you ever imagined.

Get instant access to:

  • Main Guidebook: Discover how AI can revolutionize your writing, taking you from the first idea to a complete framework more quickly and smoothly.
  • DFY AI Prompts: Jumpstart your book concept and marketing with our ready-to-use prompts that spark creativity and guide you through every aspect of the book writing and promotion process.
  • Case Study #1: Dive into how our DFY prompts can create a solid foundation for both your book and its marketing strategy. Experience firsthand the streamlined path from having no idea to a fully formed blueprint poised for writing and future success.
  • Case Study #2: Discover how tweaking our DFY prompts can unlock deeper insights and more creative ideas from AI. Learn how to adjust prompts to dive deeper into your subject matter, revealing the full potential of AI as a co-creator in your writing process.
  • Trending Topics: Get 100+ trending topics across popular niches to inspire your next book.

BONUS: 7-Day Bestseller Blueprint Coaching: Receive personalized email coaching for a week to refine your book’s strategy, answer questions, and boost your confidence for publishing success.

Hey! I’m Michelle—a Wall Street Journal, #1 Amazon, and international bestselling author, a catalyst for aspiring writers, and an avid slow cooker aficionado.

Since my fateful birthday wish for a typewriter at 14, I’ve journeyed from dreaming of writing my own book to demystifying the self-publishing world for others. I’ve spent the last decade in the trenches, not just achieving my own dreams but helping others find their voice and share their stories with the world.

My mission is to make writing accessible and enjoyable, transforming what seems like a daunting process into an achievable adventure.

My work is dedicated to empowering you to write your story, share your knowledge, and make your mark through the power of storytelling—without years of wandering in the dark.

If you’re ready to turn your expertise into a bestselling book with a little AI magic, grab “Prompt to Published” and start crafting your future bestseller the simple way—today!

Worried about not having a clear idea for your book or feeling overwhelmed by the publishing process?

You’re not alone!

I remember feeling exactly the same, and so many aspiring authors have shared these concerns with me. They feared the process was too complex, or they weren’t “writer” enough to pen a book.

But I finally reached a moment of clarity and realized: the journey to becoming a published author doesn’t have to be solitary or filled with insurmountable obstacles. The truth is, with the right guidance and tools, these common hang-ups can easily be overcome.

The process can be simplified, demystified, and made accessible for anyone with a story to tell.

And the good news is…I created “Prompt to Published” specifically to address these fears and make the process of writing and publishing a book much more straightforward.

This package not only guides you step-by-step from concept to completion but also includes custom AI-driven prompts and resources tailored to your unique journey. You’ll even get a 7-Day Bestseller Blueprint Coaching bonus to personally support you over any hurdles, answer your burning questions, and ensure you’re on the path to success.

Get Instant Access:

Main Guidebook: Discover how AI can revolutionize your writing, taking you from the first idea to a complete framework more quickly and smoothly.

DFY AI Prompts: Jumpstart your book concept and marketing with our ready-to-use prompts that spark creativity and guide you through every aspect of the book writing and promotion process.

Case Study #1: Dive into how our DFY prompts can create a solid foundation for both your book and its marketing strategy. Experience firsthand the streamlined path from having no idea to a fully formed blueprint poised for writing and future success.

Case Study #2: Discover how tweaking our DFY prompts can unlock deeper insights and more creative ideas from AI. Learn how to adjust prompts to dive deeper into your subject matter, revealing the full potential of AI as a co-creator in your writing process.

Trending Topics: Get 100+ trending topics across popular niches to inspire your next book.

BONUS: 7-Day Bestseller Blueprint Coaching: Receive personalized email coaching for a week to refine your book’s strategy, answer questions, and boost your confidence for publishing success.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Wanna make sure "Prompt to Published" works for you?

You’re covered by our 100% money-back guarantee. The truth is, we’ve all been let down by stuff we bought online. It’s just the way it is these days! I want you to grab "Prompt to Published" and start transforming your writing journey with zero worries, so I’ve set up a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. Why? Because I fully stand behind "Prompt to Published." It’s already helped me tremendously, and I care about your results more than anything. I don’t want your past online shopping experiences to get in the way of you sharing your story with the world. Download it today — stress-free. And if, for any reason, "Prompt to Published" doesn’t meet your expectations, just shoot me an email within 30 days, and I'll promptly refund you 100% of your purchase. No hard feelings, no hassle.

This isn’t just about becoming a published author or seeing your name on a book cover.

Sure, I created “Prompt to Published” to help you achieve those exciting milestones. That matters! Seeing your work recognized and appreciated is a thrilling experience.

But it’s not just about those benefits.

It’s about leaving a legacy — where your ideas influence others, your stories inspire change, and you contribute something timeless to the world. It’s about expressing your deepest insights, sharing your unique perspective, and truly connecting with readers on a profound level.

And that’s who this is really for — individuals who want to share their knowledge AND make a meaningful impact. I remember the first time I realized my words could change someone’s perspective, could bring comfort, or spark inspiration. I want that for you, too…whatever it looks like in your life, career, or community.

Everyone has a story to tell... Are you ready to change the world with yours?


Yes, you’ll get instant access to all the materials, including the main guidebook, DFY prompts, case studies and list of trending topics, the moment you sign up. You will also receive the simple instructions on how to access the bonus 7-day email coaching. Everything is delivered in PDF format.

Yes! I decided not to put an expiration date on the coaching because I know life happens, and there can be delays in getting started with something new. You can access this bonus whenever you begin writing your dream book!

Absolutely! The guide provides step-by-step instructions to navigate every part of the book-writing and marketing process. There are 37 sections in the DFY prompt guide, with each section representing an important part of the book writing process – nothing has been left out!

We’ve included prompts for marketing your book in this package to address a common concern among writers, ensuring it doesn’t become another obstacle in your publishing journey. With prompts for crafting a compelling book description, creating ad copy, selecting categories and keywords, garnering book reviews, and more, we’ve got everything you need to market your book effectively!

Definitely! Whether you’re halfway through your writing journey or looking to refine your process, “Prompt to Published” offers valuable insights and tools to enhance your work and achieve publishing success.

Absolutely not! “Prompt to Published” leverages AI as a co-creator or writing assistant, not to write your book for you, but to streamline the writing process. With AI’s assistance, you can swiftly tackle time-consuming and challenging tasks—like selecting an engaging topic, defining your audience, devising attention-grabbing titles, and outlining your book with key talking points—which might otherwise take days, weeks, or even months of research and brainstorming.

By following our tailored prompts, you’ll end up with a complete book framework, ready for you to bring to life with your writing. And should you need further assistance while writing—whether it’s refining your content or deepening your exploration of a topic—AI is there to help, acting as a 24/7 writing assistant to guide you through.

Yes, “Prompt to Published” is designed to help those who may not feel confident in their writing abilities. The guidebook has a section on using AI to help optimize your content. Meaning you can input something you wrote and ask AI to refine and polish the content. You can then tweak the revised version as you see fit. It’s almost like having a virtual editor at your disposal. 😊

Yes, you will need to sign up for a free account with the AI platform used in the guide.

Yes! If you’re unsure about your book’s topic, “Prompt to Published” is perfect for you. It includes exercises and prompts to help you discover and refine your book idea.

While individual experiences vary, you can start seeing results immediately. Once you input the prompts into AI, you will get instant feedback. If you follow the prompts exactly as laid out, you can easily have a topic, title, angle, and outline completed in an hour or two.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just email us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

Feel free to email us at info@writeintention.com. We’re here to help and answer any questions you may have.

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