find a book niche

17 Popular Niches for Author Success

Whether you are just now beginning your journey as an author or you have been trying for years to write your book without luck, you need to take a step back and focus on choosing a niche that will serve you well.

The niche you select needs to meet several criteria:

  • it needs to have good search volume
  • people are willing to spend money on it
  • it should be evergreen and not a passing trend for growth potential
  • there is consistent buzz online about the topic in forums and social media
  • there is competition (this is a good sign – it means people are making money in it)
  • it must deliver personal satisfaction – you need to have a passion for the topic

Below, you will find 17 niches that have already been proven to be popular, have competition, are trendy on social media and people are spending money in them.

You will learn what types of subtopics are included in the niche, and discover some strategic tips on how you can set yourself apart, write a book and grow a business with that topic.

#1 – Self Help

When you think of the words self-help, many different things may come to mind. This is a niche that has words that are often used interchangeably, but there are slight differences between the two.

Self-help is exactly as it sounds. People are looking to improve upon themselves in a variety of different ways. Usually, this applies to their personal life and not their professional one.

This is an evergreen niche that is constantly evolving and expanding to include more people as well as new strategies. It’s a niche with a demographic unlike many others, because it applies to teens through senior citizens who are concerned about bettering themselves in every way possible.

When you get into the self-help niche, you will be helping people create a vision for their life that includes an emphasis on personal satisfaction.

You will help them understand which skills they need to master in order to improve in certain areas. These individuals will not often be able to recognize their full potential, and instead will be relying on you to get them from a place of darkness to one of happiness.

It will be your job to motivate them to take action on the lessons that you have provided to them. These people will need assistance developing new habits. That may mean you can help them stop negative self-talk in its tracks, or you teach them the importance of improving their sleep habits so that they are ready to take on the day each morning.

There are many types of content-based products you can create aside from writing your self-help book. You can create low content books that compliment your main book like journals, workbooks, cheat sheets, planners, etc.

This is a niche where you can be competitive drilling down to a specific demographic. For example, you may be able to offer self-help to those who are struggling with depression or people who are getting a second chance at a new life after a divorce.

You can also help people with specific issues, such as improving their health habits so that their body is in tiptop shape and their mind is comforted knowing that they are taking care of themselves.

The possibilities are endless but you need to do your research and drill down to a specific topic/problem area that your audience wants solved.

#2 – Exercise

The exercise niche is a very profitable one due to the fact that consumers need both information products that teach them how to do things, paired with the equipment or techniques they need to achieve their goals.

There are many reasons why someone decides to pursue better fitness habits. It may be that they’re suffering from some sort of health issues, such as mobility problems or being overweight.

Or, they may look fine on the outside, but want to improve their stamina and health in other areas, such as cardiovascular health. Regardless of the reason they are looking for information on exercises, you can step up as a niche leader and provide the guidance they need.

If you choose to get into this niche, you can target a specific demographic, such as people who have 100 pounds or more to lose or senior citizens. You can tailor your marketing to either gender – men or women.

You can focus on a certain type of exercise, like running, circuit training, HIIT, strength training, bodyweights or something else. You can create a book around something specific like a beginner’s guide to training for your first marathon or triathlon.

There are also consumers who you can focus on that just want to target one specific area of their body, such as their abs, legs, or glutes. There are many different programs that teach people how to get rid of belly fat, so you can write a book tailored to one specific body part.

#3 – Pets

The pet niche is a fantastic (and fun) profitable niche for anyone. This is a niche that is soaring in profits. The APPA estimates that the pet niche grew to over $103 billion in 2020 (to show how it’s expanding, that’s over $13 billion more than two years prior).

Consumers spend a lot of money on their pets because they think of them as family members. What are they spending money on? Besides pet treats and food, they’re spending money on care for their pets, toys, and comfort items like beds.

The first way you can drill down in this niche is by choosing what kind of pet you want to focus on. For example, dogs are the most popular option, but you may also want to have a site on cats, fish, reptiles, birds, ferrets, and more.

Another way that you can drill down in the niche is by targeting a specific breed of pet. For example, with dogs you can choose to create a site for Husky owners or Chihuahua owners.

You can also drill down in the niche by targeting a specific type of topic for pets. For example, with dogs, people often buy info products on how to potty train a puppy or about agility training for their dog.

#4 – Health

When it comes to the health niche, you almost have to drill down in some way, shape, or form. If you were to write a broad boom on the topic of health, you will likely have a lot of trouble standing out from the crowd and driving home a specific message that attracts your ideal readers. Your content will be spread so thin covering such a wide array of health issues it won’t end up solving any substantial problems for your audience.

People look up information about health for many different reasons. Some are so that they can feel better in general, look better, or enjoy a longer life span. Others are looking to solve a specific health problem, such as to alleviate pain, get rid of allergies, lower their cholesterol, or manage their diabetes.

First, you need to pick a general health niche that you want to cover. It might be something like chronic pain or fatigue, or a specific type of problems such as gout, fibromyalgia, or migraines.

Whenever you pinpoint the type of health problem that you want to cover, you will then need to mind map it or brainstorm all of these subtopics that go into that main subject matter.

You can figure out how you want to slant your health niche. For example, you may want to write a book about reversing diabetes for senior citizens. Or you might want to write a book that helps women in menopause.

The key will be to choose a specific problem that the audience is struggling with and focus your book on that.

For example, you may want to write a book that helps menopausal women reduce their hot flashes and night sweats or a book about losing hormonal belly fat.

A book about reversing type 2 diabetes for seniors may focus on a specific nutrition plan. Or it might be about supporting and guiding them through the lifestyle changes they need to make to reverse and/or control their disease.

In addition to helping them become aware of the health issue, you will want to guide them through a variety of solutions they can consider. You have the ability to cover everything from what doctors would recommend to alternative health solutions, depending on how you want to present your information.

#5 – Debt and Credit Finances

Taking care of your personal finances is something that is not taught very well in school. Many young people get into debt and ruin their finances early on, struggling to recover from it later.

If you get into the financial niche, there are many different directions you can go. Some people teach things like crypto or stock market, while others stick to simply teaching people how to get and stay out of debt and rebuild or repair their credit.

Credit is an important part of being a well-rounded citizen. It doesn’t mean you have to have credit cards charged up, but you have to have the ability to secure credit so that you can reserve hotel rooms, rent a car or home, apply for a mortgage and more.

There are different ways people can pay off debt, which you, as a niche leader, can help them with via your book and other information products you intend to create.

Some of these will teach them how to get access to their credit reports and spot anything erroneous so that it can be fixed. Others will teach people the strategic aspect of paying off credit cards, whether it’s by the highest interest rate or using the snowball method, where you paid the lowest debt off first and apply that minimum payment to the next debt.

You can even pair this niche with the make money online niche or some sort of side hustle niche where you are teaching them how to earn extra income that can be applied toward their existing debt or to pay for the lifestyle they need without putting it on credit.

For example, a book like this may be titled: Debt Reduction Made Fun: How to turn your passions into an online side-hustle that will help you pay down your debt and achieve financial freedom.

 #6 – Cooking

The cooking niche is an evergreen and growing niche designed for ages from tween through senior citizens. People are always buying items for their home cooking needs, but before you can promote anything to them, you need to choose a slant for your cooking niche site.

There are different ways you can approach your content for this niche. For example, you may want to target a certain type of cooking, such as air fryer cooking or crock pot cooking.

There are some people who target a certain type of cuisine, such as Mediterranean, vegetarian, barbecue, French, or some other popular type of cooking style. You can also target the demographic, such as cooking for kids or cooking for one or two people.

You can even target the niche based on budget period for example, there are many people who have a certain dollar amount they can spend on meals for their family each week, so your niche can teach them how to do that.

For example, Dinner on a Dime: How to feed a family of four healthy meals for less than $10 a day!

You can take it a step further and focus on different types of cooking such as baking, cooking certain types of foods like cakes or cookies, or you could even have a book based on cooking things like casseroles or just side dishes.

You can also pair the cooking niche with other niches, such as health. For example, you can write a book about cooking for diabetics, cooking to alleviate inflammation and chronic pain, cooking to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol levels, etc.

You can even slant your book so that you target cooking for entertainment and parties, whether it’s for your own guests or as a caterer who is learning to provide larger meals for a bigger client gather.

#7 – Skincare

Skin care is a niche topic that affects everyone from teenagers dealing with acne to women over 40 wanting to reduce or minimize wrinkles. It can also include various health conditions, such as scars, stretch marks, eczema, and more.

If you go on almost any social media site, you will notice tons of content catering to the needs of those who are curious about how to best treat and care for their skin. After all, this is the largest organ your body has, and it is the barrier between the outside world and your internal body that keeps you safe from harm.

Whether it’s for health reasons, such as reducing the chance of getting skin cancer, or for beauty reasons, like wanting to get rid of fine lines around your eyes or mouth, this is a niche that people spend a lot of money on.

Keep in mind that it’s not only a niche dealing with the face. While many consumers do focus on skin care for their face, it’s actually an all over body niche topic. You can have a book for skin care that deals with a head to toe approach, or one that just focuses on a certain region such as dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes or cellulite on the thighs.

You can even combine this niche with something like cooking or nutrition. For example: Get the Glow: The over-40 smoothie plan to reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines and look 10 years younger in just six weeks. 

#8 – Weight Loss

Depending on how you look at it, the weight loss niche is evergreen as a positive aspect for you, or negative for the consumer. People struggle with their weight over the course of a lifetime, often yo-yo dieting and gaining and losing pounds repeatedly.

They will try different diets and different methods of losing weight, such as alternate day fasting or intermittent fasting. They might eat only vegetarian foods, avoid most carbs or consume a certain number of calories.

Weight loss can either be a niche where you pair nutrition and exercise, or you can focus just on the diet aspect. In this niche, there are many different ways that you can slant your book.

For example, you might target only those who need to lose a certain amount of weight, such as over 50 or 100 pounds. Or you can target a certain age group and gender e.g., women over 50, new moms over 30, or middle aged-men struggling with a beer belly.

You might also be able to slant it when you pair it with another niche topic, like health – such as weight loss for diabetics.

Your readers not only want to hear about strategies to lose weight, such as losing 10 pounds in a week before a high school reunion or wedding, but they also want to learn how to get past struggles, like binge eating or being addicted to sugar.

There are a lot of different approaches you can take with this niche so make sure you do some research to find something that you and your audience will enjoy.

#9 – Personal Development

Earlier, we talked about the self-help niche and how it is primarily geared toward those who want to improve their personal life. Personal development, ironically has less to do about the personal life aspect and more about bettering yourself for professional opportunities.

This is a niche where you will be helping people improve on their communication, teamwork skills, employability, talent, skill sets, and more. They may need additional education to reach their full potential or they may need to change certain mindset issues that are preventing them from achieving their career objectives.

This is a great niche if you want to expand into coaching that won’t require any sort of degree or professional certification, like a dietician or nutritionist might want to display for clients.

#10 – Survival Homesteading

Survival homesteading, all this the prepper niche, is soaring in popularity – especially with the state of the world and America in particular. With inflation bearing down on citizens and making it difficult to afford necessities such as groceries, gas, etc., more people are turning to a survival mindset to get through what’s to come.

Survival is a wonderful niche because it is an umbrella for many different narrow topics. Those include things like food and water storage, self-defense, farming, gardening, camping, and more.

This is definitely a niche where you will need to keep an ear to the ground so that you know what’s coming in the news that will cause consumers to become alarmed and rush out to purchase supplies.

For example, Americans not having baby formula on the shelves or stores running out of everyday conveniences like toilet paper is a situation where you would need to notify your subscribers and let them know where they can get their hands on the stock.

You can teach people how to grow and can their own fruits and vegetables, and in the process of creating your info product, we’ve affiliate links to the supplies they will need to do that – from the heirloom seeds to the canning kit itself.

This is an ongoing niche where people want to know certain strategies such as bushcraft and also information like how much rice they need to have on hand for a three month emergency situation.

When you are developing your niche survival site, you can cover all topics or slant it to something specific period for example, you might want to teach survival prepping to women or teach people how to prepare for just $20 per week.

You can slant your book so that you focus on certain survival events, whether that’s a natural disaster like a hurricane or something more nefarious such as a war or civil unrest.

#11 – Arts and Crafts

The arts and crafts niche is one that has a wide reach for individuals who use it has not only a hobby that provides enjoyment and stress relief, but also in some cases, a career.

With this niche, it’s better to narrow your topic down. You don’t want to spread your content so thin that it’s hard for you to stand out among the competition.

For example, you can write a book about how to make a certain type of jewelry, homemade soaps and even candles.

You can pair this niche with the money-making niche and write a book about how to start their own jewelry or candle making business.

Other arts and crafts niche topics include crochet, embroidery, knitting, sewing, painting, Leatherworking, needlepoint, origami, scrapbooking, and more.

You can have a lot of fun writing a book in this niche so if you are a creative and have skills you can teach someone else, then go for it!

#12 – Stress Relief

Stress has never been higher than it is today. In a post pandemic world, filled with economic strife and turmoil at every turn, people are looking for stress relief they can do at home, and they need you to lead them in it.

Again, writing a broad book on stress relief may be hard to market. You want to choose a narrow concept that can possibly be targeted to a specific group. For example, narrowing down to something like visualization or meditation for stress relief is good. But you can get more creative and slant towards specific groups. For example, meditation for people with chronic anxiety, simple stress relief for homeschool moms, stress relieving visualization for healthcare workers.

You can also slant your book for a specific type of stress relief such as aromatherapy where you could teach them all about the connection between aromas and stress relief. This type of book can also be written with a certain demographic in mind e.g., new moms, corporate execs, nurses, teachers, etc.

Another way you can slant this topic is to focus on people who are dealing with a certain situation. For example, stress relief for caregivers is one type of narrow slant. Or, you could slant it for beginners and pair it with a specific type of stress relief, like yoga.

This is a much needed topic with so many possibilities – have some fun thinking about new and innovative ways to help people reduce their stress so they can live happier lives.

#13 – Pregnancy and Parenting

One of the best things about the pregnancy and parenting niche is that you get to follow and lead your audience from the very beginning of their journey through the moment when they are dealing with empty nest syndrome.

Some niche leaders like to target a specific type of pregnancy or parenting, such as consumers who are pregnant with twins or having to parent a child with a problem such as ADHD or autism.

In this niche, not only can you teach them what to expect and how to handle certain adverse situations, but you can also help them celebrate the wonderful moments. Don’t minimize your expertise – I know of a coach who built a very successful business on getting babies to sleep through the night. That was the only focus of her business.

You might pair other niches, such as exercising while pregnant or a diabetic pregnancy.

There are endless options that can work – just find your sweet spot and run with it!

#14 – Anti Aging

It used to be that the anti-aging niche was totally built around preventing wrinkles in the older women. Now, it has expanded to include both men and women from a young age for preventative measures.

It’s also no longer just about preventing wrinkles. Anti-aging is an all-encompassing niche that has many topics within it. That includes things like brain health, mobility, finances, socialization, and more.

This is a niche topic that is rich in information products as well as tangible products. People want to reverse or stall the progress of aging. Sometimes that requires habits to change, and other times it requires the application of a product that promises to turn back the clock.

You can slant your book as one that teaches anti-aging, or drill it down into something more specific such as anti-aging nutrition, skin care, exercise, hormone health, and more.

You will find many specific products based on age, such as exercise programs specifically for senior citizens or those over 40. There will always be news articles released about new discoveries that promise to slow the aging process, so you will want to stay on top of those for your research. Share your findings with your target audience though your book and website if you decide to turn your book into a business.

#15 – Making Money Online

The make money online niche us primarily a digital info product and digital tools niche.

This is a topic where you need to teach strategy, give step-by-step tutorials and you can even include paid coaching as a method of earning profits. Your target audience will need to know about business models, niches, and tasks like list building.

These individuals need to be motivated and pushed through difficult moments in their journey. Having case studies unfold for them and promoting the best products that won’t make them lose money will help you earn.

As for tools, your people will need domain names, hosting, video editing tools like Camtasia, plugins, page builders and more. As for slanting, you can either cover all things marketing or become a provider who highlights certain tasks, like email marketing.

Or, slant it for a demographic, like stay-at-home moms or senior citizens. You can even slant it for a level like beginner’s so that you can cater to their needs from early on through their advanced journey.

#16 – Lawn and Garden

The lawn and garden niche can be combined, but it’s probably better to separate them, sometimes into even more sub-topics. For lawns, people need tips on growing certain types of grass, landscaping, and more.

They’ll want to know which lawn mowers, aerators and trimmers to purchase, as well as seed and fertilizer. They may need advice on winterizing their lawn, too. Gardening is a bit broader, and can encompass growing flowers, fruit and vegetables.

They’ll need information products on growing things or building a raised bed garden, gardening with hydroponics, etc. In fact, there are several books on raised bed gardening that have tons of reviews, one has over 5000! This is a good indicator that these books are in demand.

You can pair the topic with demographics like gardening for seniors (or kids), or touch on the benefits, like gardening for survival, to lose weight, or for stress relief. It’s a versatile activity that helps people in many ways.

#17 – Weddings

The wedding niche seems as if it would be limited, since people expect to marry only once, but there are weddings all around the world on a daily basis.  People need help planning their weddings, bridal showers, bachelorette and bachelor parties, and more.

They need advice on budgets, too. But they also need the tangible items – from dresses to favors, planners and guest books. This is a niche where you can create larger information products, like a full book or low content books like wedding planners and checklists, bridal shower planners, how to write a wedding speech, and so much more.  

You can cover all things weddings or slant it for people on a budget, for certain religious ceremonies, for styles like casual or high-end, non-traditional options, and for certain seasons or geographic locations. For example, you can write a book on how to plan your dream wedding on a shoestring budget, how to plan a destination wedding, or alternatives like a sporting event wedding.

Sometimes, the audience you’ll be targeting won’t be the bride and groom at all. It will be guests or those close to the couple who are responsible for planning certain aspects of the event.

If you happen to be a wedding planner, writing a book about your expertise

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