The Agony of the Untold Story: Are You Carrying One?

Hey there, lovely reader!

Have you ever had a sneeze that just wouldn’t come out? That frustrating moment where your nose twitches, your eyes water, but – no sneeze. It’s like your body played a trick on you, leaving you in suspense. Well, imagine that feeling, but instead of a sneeze, it’s a story. And not just any story. Your story. As the great Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” And boy, was she onto something.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting that keeping your epic novel idea a secret is like having an eternal sneeze stuck in your brain. (Although, if that were the case, we’d have a lot of twitchy-eyed authors out there.) But there is a certain kind of discomfort in knowing you’ve got something powerful to share and not putting it out into the world.

Why We Hide Our Stories

You might wonder, why do so many of us hide our stories? Why do we tuck away our tales, experiences, and life-learned lessons like old photo albums collecting dust in the attic? Maybe it’s fear. Or perhaps it’s the not-so-gentle voice in our head, the pesky little gremlin of self-doubt whispering, “Who’d want to hear what you have to say?”

If that gremlin is your new bestie, let me tell you – it’s time to unfriend. Because here’s the truth: Every story (yes, yours too!) has its audience. Some might need a box of tissues, while others might need a glass of wine (or maybe three), but there’s someone out there just waiting for what you have to say.

Embrace the Discomfort

We’ve all been there, feeling that itch to write, to share, to tell. It starts as a nudge, then a push, and before you know it, you’re being shoved headfirst into a pool of inspiration. It might be chilly at first, but once you’re in, it’s invigorating! So, instead of standing at the edge, toe-dipping and contemplating, why not dive right in?

Remember, discomfort isn’t always a bad thing. Think about exercise – sure, it’s all sweat and aching muscles at first. But then? Endorphins! Achievements! The uncontrollable urge to flex in front of the mirror! Writing is the soul’s exercise, and every penned word, every shared experience, is a flex of your heart’s muscle.

Let’s Get Down to the Writing Part

Okay, so let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. The writing part. You know, where you actually put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or, if you’re feeling extra fancy, quill to parchment (Hey, no judgment here!). It’s where you breathe life into your story, where you let it fly, and trust me, once it takes off, there’s no holding it back.

Start with baby steps. If you’ve been hiding your story for a while, it might need some coaxing. Maybe start with a diary entry, a blog post (like this one – wink!), or even just a tweet. Yes, even 280 characters can be the beginning of something grand.

Here’s Your Nudge, Push, and Shove

Look, I get it. Sharing your story can be daunting. It’s like standing in front of a crowd in your undies. Vulnerable, exposed, and a tad bit drafty. But just like wearing those ridiculous high heels because they make you feel fabulous, or singing at the top of your lungs in a traffic jam – sometimes, the things that scare us the most are the most rewarding.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Let go of that untold story. Release the agony. Be the author of your narrative and own it. If Maya Angelou’s words resonated with you, it’s a sign. Your story is a gift, not just for you, but for the world.

Ready to unleash your tale? Drop a comment below or simply pick up that pen and start scribbling. After all, there’s no greater joy than setting free a story once trapped within.

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