The Top 8 Ways Writing a Book Will Transform Your Life and Business

Is there a book in you just waiting to come out? But yet, something has been holding you back from pursuing your goal and you aren’t sure what it is.

If so, start your journey by checking out the many ways writing a book can transform your life and business. By the time you are done with this blog post, you will know for sure whether or not pursuing authorship is your destiny.

Here are some of the fantastic benefits of writing YOUR book.

A Credibility and Authority Boost

We give authors our confidence. Writing and publishing a book will give you and your business a credibility boost. It essentially establishes you as an expert in your industry.

When you write a book that helps your audience solve their problems, people consider you a credible authority on your subject. They’ll turn to you for advice and assistance.

Additionally, credibility and authority are both buying triggers. You’ll earn customers when you write a book.

Become a Local Celebrity

Although you may have more of an interest in gaining nationwide or international attention from your book, local marketing should not be overlooked. Promoting your new book locally can bring you “local celebrity” status while increasing your fan base.

Here are some ideas (some you may need to explore once Covid mandates start to get lifted):

  1. Hold local book signings at libraries or book stores. Don’t forget your hometown roots! Publishing a book is quite an accomplishment not everyone can claim, so toot your own horn to the people who know you best. Meet and greets at any locale allows you to promote your book while also growing your fan base.
  2. Appear at Community Day events. Many local communities or towns hold Community Day events and festivals during the summer and fall months. Check those calendars well in advance and be prepared to invest a nominal fee to set up a table with your book available for purchase. Print out bookmarks or other handouts that include your social media handles so they can connect with you after the event; or be proactive and connect with people instantly at your booth.
  3. Speak at local schools about your path to becoming an author. Many middle and high schools hold career days so watch for those events or call the schools directly to inquire. This isn’t so much a chance to sell your book but to tell about your path to becoming an author. Carry handouts with your name, book title, and social media handles so the kids can pass them along to their parents. This is also a great opportunity to leave information at the schools for the faculty. You just never know where your next client or important connection will come from!
  4. Use your book as a fundraiser. Choose a cause that’s close to your heart and dedicate a percentage of sales to be donated. Donating to a local charity or a local branch of a national charity may stir more interest because of the hometown roots. Or donate a copy or two of your books to auction events held by local PTAs, scouting troops, or religious organizations. Very often these organizations will distribute a list of their benefactors, so that’s yet another way to increase your name recognition.

Branding, Exposure and Awareness

When you write a book, your business brand is enhanced. You’re going to reach more people through publication, so your exposure and awareness will also be increased.

Branding, exposure and awareness all help you grow your business. Through your book marketing efforts, press and publicity and through word of mouth, it’s not unheard of to triple your audience.

What does this mean for you? An audience of raving fans WANT more information from you – that means more opportunities for new streams of income. You can create or expand your business in ways that support you in living the freedom-based lifestyle that you have been dreaming about.

More Opportunities

Through both the press you receive for your book and through increased credibility, awareness and exposure, you’re going to catch the eye of the public. Some of the people who read or learn about your book are going to be interested in working with you. You’ll receive new opportunities. Through these opportunities, you can grow your business.

For example, you may have an opportunity to be interviewed for your local newspaper. A fellow business owner may contact you through this press and offer you a joint venture partnership opportunity. There’s no telling what opportunities are in store for you when you write a book.

Expands Your Reach Allowing You to Help More People Quickly

One-on-one coaching is a time consuming process that only allows you to work with so many people in a day. A book is something that allows you to help more people with your limited time. This is exactly what happened to me with my book on emotional eating. People that would normally not have the ability to work with me still benefited from the content in my book. Professional therapists were also using it in their practices with clients.

Writing a book obviously isn’t the same as working with someone one-on-one but it can give people enough to help them through some difficult times. And of course, there are a percentage of those readers that will contact you for further help.

The bottom line is, your book can be instrumental in helping you to expand your ability to help others while also expanding your own customer base and profit potential at the same time.

You Will Leave a Legacy

When you write a book, you are leaving a legacy for future generations to benefit from – your family and the world. Wouldn’t you love to know that you great, great, great grandchild wrote an essay in school about how their Nana wrote a book that helped thousands of people.

If you choose to go beyond your book and turn it into a transformational business, imagine how many lives you will touch even when you pass your business along to someone else.

Your legacy will live on for many, many years – isn’t that what lightworkers were put on this earth for? Make your mark and establish your legacy by publishing your first book.

Personal Transformation

Look around at the people you know – your workplace, family, friends… how many of them are published authors? Most likely, not many. That’s because most people don’t believe they have what it takes to write a book – even if it’s a lifelong dream.

There is a very small percentage of people who can claim authorship… so it is a big deal when YOU can.  Writing a book will empower you in ways that you cannot imagine. It is a tremendous accomplishment that most people will never have the privilege to experience.

You will have more confidence, clarity around your purpose, a sense of fulfillment, and the inner knowledge that you achieved a notable goal that commands respect and authority.

Transformational Sales Funnel

You can turn your book into a business that ignites your readers transformation. By creating a simple transformational funnel, you can build a lucrative coaching business that changes peoples lives.

We all know that attracting clients is based on three things: know, like and trust.

Your book is the PERFECT entry into your transformational sales funnel because it will immediately establish the know, like and trust factors. 

Here’s how…

  • You have instant credibility because you are an author.
  • You have established yourself as an expert in your industry.
  • Your content will solve an important problem your reader is struggling with.
  • Just like a reader connects with a fictional character, your audience will see your personality shine through your words and the right ones will immediately connect with you.

By the time they are done with your book they will be ready to take things to next level because they know who you are, they trust you based on how you already helped them and they like your style.

Your book is a low barrier to entry that has the potential to skyrocket your business.  No one will think twice about spending $3 or $4 for a kindle book or $14 for a print book – once they know you can help them, they will want more.

You can also give a PDF version of your book away for free as a lead magnet or create a workbook version or cheat sheet that you giveaway. There are many ways to leverage your book in your business – the important thing to recognize is the potential of what it can bring to the table.  


There really is no downside to writing a book but yet many people hesitate to take the leap and become a published author. About 80% of the time, it is due to host a limiting beliefs.

For example, believing you aren’t qualified or don’t know enough to write a book, fearing that your readers won’t get the results your book promised, or wondering who am I to write a book and why would anyone want to read what I have to say, and so on.

We have all been there – these are just stories that you are telling yourself. Fear of the unknown is strong – work through it. You have an important message to share – don’t deprive your audience of your wisdom because of a bunch of unfounded fears and beliefs.

The other 20% is not knowing where to start, what to write about or how to overcome writer’s block. 

The good news is, I have a created several resources and trainings that cover all of these topics plus more. I will give you the exact information you need to choose a best-selling topic and write your book in just 32 days.

Start here: Best Selling Author Quick Start Kit

Next Step: Pen Your Purpose Masterclass

With a plan, passion for your topic, and the ability to write conversationally, you can write a transformational book that changes lives… including your own!

michelle bybel

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